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Healthy Gums Matter! How Healthy Are Yours? 

Find out - in a few minutes.

Bleeding or sensitive gums can be early signs of gum disease. Don’t ignore them - your gums are key to a healthy smile and your overall well-being. This quick quiz - developed with South African oral hygiene expert Dirna Grobbelaar - will reveal how your gums are doing and provide personalised advice for better health.

Take the #HealthyGUMCheck

Start the quiz now to assess your gum health and get personalized advice😊

1 / 8

How frequently do you brush your teeth?

2 / 8

When you brush your teeth, do your gums ever bleed?

3 / 8

How often do you clean between your teeth, using tools like floss or interdental brushes?

4 / 8

Do your gums bleed when you floss or clean between your teeth?

5 / 8

Take a close look at your gums in a mirror. Which of these descriptions most matches what you see?

Dirna’s tip: For a simple breath test take a piece of floss and pull it between two back teeth. Then sniff the floss. If it doesn’t smell good you may have bad breath.

6 / 8

Do you ever experience bad breath, even after brushing?

Dirna’s tip: For a simple breath test take a piece of floss and pull it between two back teeth. Then sniff the floss. If it doesn’t smell good you may have bad breath.

7 / 8

When was your most recent visit to a dentist or oral hygienist?

Dirna’s Tip: Gum disease can run in families. If your parents or siblings have been diagnosed with gingivitis or periodontitis, you might have a higher risk of developing it too. It’s important to be aware of your family history and take extra care with your oral hygiene. Regular dental check-ups can help catch early signs of gum issues.

8 / 8

Has anyone in your immediate family been diagnosed with gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis)?

Dirna’s Tip: Gum disease can run in families. If your parents or siblings have been diagnosed with gingivitis or periodontitis, you might have a higher risk of developing it too. It’s important to be aware of your family history and take extra care with your oral hygiene. Regular dental check-ups can help catch early signs of gum issues.

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2 Reasons to Take the #HealthyGUMCheck
  1. Quickly assess your gum health and discover early indicators of gum disease.
  2. Expert advice from a trusted oral health professional.

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For a deeper dive into expert oral care advice, check out Dirna's article on Bleeding Gums and other Wellness Advice.

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